Korsmo Construction repaired and replaced building envelope damages caused by exposure to moisture and chemicals at the Tom Taylor YMCA natatorium building.
Interior repairs included replacement of electrical fixtures and mechanical components, as well as new wall framing and wall board assemblies and finishes. We also treated corrosion on the metal ceiling and applied epoxy paint systems.
In lieu of a complete removal and replacement of the existing roof system, as originally designed, Korsmo Construction designed and built an overlay membrane roof system, which provided a betterment, accommodated the owner’s warranty needs, and allowed construction to be completed earlier than contracted.
The Korsmo team prepared a detailed logistics and phasing plan to accommodate heavy lift equipment, which eliminated the need for scaffolding within building. All work was performed within the occupied and active facility without facility closures. Through daily sequencing of construction activity with staff, we accommodated the club’s schedule and activities without disruption.
As a result of Korsmo’s innovative solutions, the project was completed early and significant savings were returned to the owner.